Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Free Writing for Cyberspace Project

What do I do in my spare time?: In my spare time I work a lot. Especially on the weekends, I work at Coach in Bridgewater mall. When I'm not working I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend Mike. Mike and I like to go to the bars in New Brunswick with our friends. We also enjoy staying home and watching movies or just relaxing. I love reading, reading is probably my favorite thing to do. I love books, I collect them and re-read them as often as possible. I do used to enjoy going on the computer a lot, on websites such as MySpace and Facebook, I'd check my email a few times a day and sit online instant messaging my friends. I no longer enjoy doing these things, they have become a bore to me. I still check my email about once or twice a day and every so often talk with friends and log onto Facebook.

What Ideas Interest Me?: Something that interests me the most that I'd like to write about for my cyberspace project is the idea that the internet is controlling our lives. As I said earlier, I no longer enjoy spending a lot of time on the computer, browsing the internet and interacting with people online. Don't get my wrong I'm not a big phone person. I don't love talking on the phone, I'd rather send a text message or an email. But I don't understand why people are using the internet and allowing it to take over their lives. People pruchase their groceries online, they can create a whole new persona for themselves on the internet.

What Do You Plan to Do With Your Education: Although I am currently an English/Special Education major, I think my main topic of interest is actually speech therapy. I would love to work with children who are deaf or have a speech impediment. I want to help those children learn the tools they need for communication with others. I wouldn't mind being a teacher, after all that is what I'm going to college for but I feel like I can do so much more to help people,especially young children.

Topics Discussed in class:

Digital Literacy

Properties of digital spaces: Immersion Remediation Hypermediacy

Global Villages

Virtual Realities- telepresence

Cyberspace can make things happen in the real world

Smart Mobs

Computers are taking over our lives ***My Topic for Cyberspace Project


Fan Fiction

Potter Wars

Copyright Issues-Intellectual Property

Why is fan fiction "illegal" while satire is not?

Emergent properties-what makes many independent being act as if they are a single organism

New ways to use launguae-digital writing as more like talk than talk is talk

New Ways to use images "visual rhetorics"

How do interest groups find/form each other on the internet?

Brainstorming for project:

Poll people from different age groups such as
ages 13-18
ages 18-25
ages 25-40
ages 40 and up

-how often do these groups of people use the internet

-how do the older generations feel about the use of the internet as a whole

-why is it so important that we are constantly attached to our computers

-what types of things are these age groups using the computer for? (myspace, facebook, shopping:groceries, clothing, appliances,etc...emailing, chat rooms, cooking tips ...)

-do any of these people go on the internet to feel like they belong? Do any of them belong to networks that allow them to interact with other people?)

-While on the internet do you feel as though you can be someone you are not, more outspoke...more outspoken, another gender, another age

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