Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blog 3:Summary of Glister

Paul Glister's Digital Literacy is about the differences between print (such as books, newspapers, magazines, etc...) and digital literary works (things we read online). 

Glister points out that in most print, the words on the pages are very final and it could take a very long time to correct a mistake never mind the costs. For example, if an author publishes a book and misspells a word, it could take a long time for a reader to notice the mistake. Once the mistake is pointed out it could be a very long process to recall the misprinted books and replace them with a corrected version. It would also cost a lot of money to fix the mistake as well. With digital literacy, when we notice a mistake on a webpage it is so easy to fix it. It can take a matter of seconds for the author to log onto the page, edit it and save the newest copy. It is the least time consuming and costs nothing. 

Another difference between the two is this: Factual information is constantly being changed and updated. It is a very long process again for books to be edited and published. So when factual information in an encyclopedia needs to be changed, it takes time for it to be done. Whereas in places on the web such as Wikipedia, information is edited and changed within minutes. It is a much faster and efficient way to get up to date information about most subjects. 

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