Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Analyzing My Patterns for Attention

1Q. List the kinds of media you use/read/engage with on a daily basis. Is your pattern for interacting with media the same or differnt than it was when you were 5?10?15? Give short descriptions to explain.
1A. I love to read, I always have a book with me and I read probably every day whenever I find a few spare minutes and also before I go to bed at night (it makes me more tired and I fall asleep easier). I go on the internet daily and I'm logged onto AIM 24/7 but I very rarely sit in front of the computer and chat with people for hours. I will normally log on to my e-mail accounts and facebook about two or three times a day, check it out for no longer than 10-20 minutes, then log off. The TV is always on in my room if I'm home but I'm very rarely watching it. I have satelite radio in my car which I'm constantly listening to when I'm driving but I'm normally listening to Howard Stern and talk shows rather than songs.
-When I was 5 years old all we really had was tv. I know I definitely didn't have a computer in my house just yet but I didn't have a tv in my room so my parents probably regulated how often I watched it.
-When I was 10 years old I had a tv in my room as well as a stereo system. I listened to music a lot and watched tv more than I did because it was in my room.
-When I was 15 years old I think I listened to the radio more than anything else, I've never been the biggest fan of television so I wasn't glued to it all the time. I had a computer in my room at this point and probably spent most of my time being a dumb teenager and gossiping with people online all day/night.

2Q.Rank the relative amount of time you presently spend with each medium-be as specific as you can.
2A. Reading-About 2 hours or more each day
Television- I probably only watch about 3 hours a day, maybe less
Radio-Depends how long I'm in the car for, probably 1-3 hours a day
Computer-1-2 hours a day

3Q.Describe any media associated with how you perform the following school related tasks:
Do math or other calculation-based homework-math is my worst subject, I don't take math, but if I did I'd probably concentrate more than have any media
Read assignments-the tv is on, but volume low
Write a paper-Tv is on to keep me awake, sometimes is a distraction
Study for an exam-tv is on, but volume low

4Q.Describe any media associated with how you do the following task:
Drive-radio has to be on, even if I don't like what I'm listening to, it must be on
Eat a meal by myself-TV or computer always on
Eat with my family-tv is usual on because my stepdad doesn't ever want to turn it off, eating with my friends we're ususal out and tv or other media is not on
Household chores-TV or music is usually always on

5Q.Describe what you do to relax or in your free time- and how you relax
5A. In my free time I usual read, again the tv is normally always on in my room for the background noise, even when I fall asleep to take a nap or to go to bed the tv has to be on, but I'm usually not watching it. When I have free time I like to get out of the house and do stuff like go for walks, which I always bring my ipod, or go to the gym-bring my ipod there too or I watch TV at the gym. It depends, if I'm reading a really great book all of my free time is devoted to that, otherwise I spread my free time around and do things that probably always involve some sort of media.

My ratings are as followed:
writing a paper=4
thats 9, divided by 4=2.25

eat meal alone=5
eat meal with friends/family=3
thats 18, divided by 4=4.5

relaxing I gave myself a 3

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