Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blog 6: Research Plan

Research Question

Why do people feel the need to have multiple personalities on the internet? In particular, d0 people get a thrill out of acting as though they are a different age or gender? Are they using it dangerously (sexual predators, stalkers) or are they doing it for fun or to make themselves become more outgoing and outspoken? And is it wrong to pose as someone you aren't on the internet if you aren't doing it to be hurtful?

Statement of Purpose

I hope to discover a better understanding of what people are using MySpace, Facebook, Chat rooms and Instant Messaging for. I hope to be able to show in my research why people feel the need to pose as someone other than themselves on the internet and maybe find a way for others to avoid such people if they are using it in a dangerous manor.

List of Information to be Gathered

-lots of chatroom and blog feedback
-research on occurrence of sexual predators on above mentioned websites
-personal experience stories
-find out why people are doing it. Are they doing it dangerously (sexual predators and stalkers) or are they doing it for enjoyment?

Preliminary Sources
(still narrowing down my sources, I've found a lot of them but they are mostly blog sites and tv news reports. I'd like to sit down and look at them a little more closely to see which ones are most helpful but a few of them have been posted on my previous blog)

Plan for Gathering Information

I plan to look more closely at blogs that I have already found. Some of these blogs have anonymous post from users saying how they feel about having multiple identities on the internet. I want to narrow them down and find the ones that I like the best. I also want to look into news stories that will tell me more about sexual predators on the internet. Finally I will look more closely at Facebook and Myspace (and similar websites) to see how exactly people are using them and if people seem to have a different or more outgoing personality on the internet than they do in real life.

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